Hello parents of Somerset West soccer players for Fall 2024,
My name is <>, and I have volunteered to be head coach for our fall soccer season. The season is starting soon and practices will start the first week in April.  In particular, I would like to start practicing <Day-Date>.  See practice section below for location, days, and times.

I will be looking for a parent-volunteer who can help with coaching (assistant coach). As an assistant coach, you can help with driving our practice activities, assist during games, and possibly drive practices and games for certain dates when I will be out of town. To assist, you must first register as an assistant coach per these Registration Guidelines and complete the Concussion Awareness and Mandatory Reporting training described on the SWSC Coaching Page. It is also helpful if a parent wants to volunteer to take on non-coaching items like coordinating post-game snacks and drinks and an end-of-season gathering; no registration or training is required for this.

Since we are a <pick one>
Grade2 team, we will be playing 4v4 with NO Goalie and using a size 3 soccer ball. Please bring this sized ball to practices and games.
Grade3, Grade4 team, we will be playing 7v7 with a Goalie and using a size 4 soccer ball. Please bring this sized ball to practices and games.
Grade5, Grade6 team, we will be playing 9v9 with a Goalie and using a size 4 soccer ball. Please bring this sized ball to practices and games.
Grade7, Grade8 team, we will be playing 11v11 with a Goalie and using a size 5 soccer ball. Please bring this sized ball to practices and games.

It is not required, but it is a good idea to become familiar with the soccer rules that we will play under for our league. You can find those rules online on our league (THJSL) web page – http://www.thjsl.org/doclib/THJSL%20Rules%20of%20Play%2020170828.pdf <double-check link before sending e-mail>

At our first practice, I will work with the players to come up with a team name that I can then pass along to the club registrar. I will also be handing out:

I will hold a brief meeting at the end of our first practice and that will be a good opportunity to ask questions.

Practice Location: < e.g. Elmonica Elementary.  Elmonica is a pretty good field and gets irrigation.  Here’s a MAP.>
Practice Days: <Monday and Wednesday>
Practice Times: <5-6:30PM>

For practice, please bring/wear:

  • Shorts and a shirt that you can run around in; consider that it may be hot, sunny
  • Lots of water;  I don’t want the girls sharing water bottles so please don’t forget this!
  • Shin guards and socks that are long enough to cover them; socks OUTSIDE of the shin-guards
  • Soccer shoes; in particular soccer cleats for playing on grass.
  • Everyone should bring an INFLATED size X soccer ball
  • No jewelry please, ESPECIALLY EARRINGS.

Bad weather policy and other reasons practices may be cancelled. I will always send an e-mail prior to any unplanned practice cancellation. I will cancel practice if:

  • It is raining so much or has rained so much that there is risk of player injury or damage to the field, we WILL be playing in some rain just not when it puddles around our boots,
  • There is lightening,
  • It is too hot,
  • There are some no-practice dates as specified by the field we’re at and those dates are: <put no-practice dates here>,
  • No practice on Labor day since most families are out.

I don’t have the final schedules yet for our games; I will send a follow-up e-mail when I receive schedules. Please just be prepared to play our first game on the first Saturday after Labor day. For all games:

  • Make sure you’re wearing your jersey, shorts, socks over your shin guards to the game
  • Arrive 30 minutes prior to game start for warm-ups
  • Bring your ball and water
  • No jewelry please – players wearing jewelry won’t be allowed to play

Picture Day (Fall only):
The Somerset West club picture day <enter date here>. Please mark your home calendar for this day; the time-slot for the pictures will be announced in the same e-mail where I send the game schedule. I will have some picture paper-work to hand out but EVEN BETTER is to you the online Picture Registration Form <Link is TBD>. You can fill this in online and just write down you registration form number to bring to the picture day.

My Coaching Philosophy:
Soccer is the greatest sport on this planet. The most important things for me, in priority order, is to:

  • Ensure the safety of the players
  • Ensure that all players are having fun
  • Help each player play to their best potential
  • Teach good soccer skills and build a strong team spirit
  • Teach the type of lessons that can be applied off the field

Please send me a reply letting me know that you got this message and a note about when you will be available to start practicing. Some families are still taking vacations and that is fine. I will start getting some paperwork completed as we progress thru August.   Email or call me at home if you have any questions. My home phone:  <enter your phone number>

I’m really looking forward to a fun season!