It’s raining, are we playing or practicing?

Somerset West and our parent league, THJSL, operate under the THJSL Inclement Weather policy found on their website. Please check the THPRD Inclement weather website and hotline (503-629-6395). If the field is not officially closed, it is the responsibility of the coaches and referee to determine if the game should be played or practice held.  Please check with your coach if you are unsure if you are playing or practicing.

*** COVID guidance for Fall 2021 Season ***

Coaches and players must stay home if they are sick Coaches and players should also stay home if anyone in your household is COVID positive, exposed to a COVID positive person, or has COVID like symptoms.  Symptoms of COVID-19 | CDC If you test positive for COVID or have close contact with a COVID positive person, you must notify Somerset West Soccer club immediately through the email address.

THJSL mask policy – Update Aug 27 – Mandate for Outdoor Masking Unless Actively Playing or Practicing

For the fall 2021 season, THJSL and its member clubs (including Somerset West) will follow the Outdoor Mask Mandate issued by Governor Brown.  All Coaches, Parents, Spectators, Referees, and Players will wear Masks at all times except Players when they are actively taking part in Practice or Games.  Parents and Spectators are expected to wear masks when they are not socially distant from those outside of their household.  Exact text is in the web link below.  Thank Read more…

THJSL mask policy for the Fall 2021 season

For the Fall 2021 season, THJSL and it’s member clubs, including Somerset West, will follow OHA guidance that masks are strongly recommended for unvaccinated or at-risk individuals in outdoor crowded areas.  All youth soccer games qualify as an outdoor crowded area.  Exact text and web link below.  Thank you for your cooperation.  The Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends that:  • In outdoor crowded areas or large gatherings, individuals who are unvaccinated or who are at risk for Read more…

Fall Season is starting – important information for our SWSC families

Thank you for your patience as we have worked through a myriad of issues with getting the fall season up and running again.  We are still working through field allocations for practices with THPRD and our fellow clubs, but we have enough in place to get started. Coaches have received their rosters and current practice schedules and you should be hearing from them soon.  We have activated almost all of our G2-HSRec teams online and Read more…

Fall Season update – thanks for your patience!

We know all our SWSC families are anxious to get back out on the soccer field and we appreciate your patience as we get the fall season organized. Field allocations from the park and school districts have been late in getting to our league clubs, registration and team formation has been slower than usual, and all clubs are busy recruiting coaches. Our first Grade 2 – HSRec games is not scheduled until September 11 and Read more…

Registration Update including closed/full groups

Registration for the fall season is continuing on a space-available basis. We have a number of grade groups that are currently full and are working with our fellow THJSL clubs to ensure that everyone who wants to play has a spot. The following groups are full. If you have a player at one of these levels, please send the registrar an email at to be placed on a waiting list (and also she will Read more…

Fall 2021 Regular Registration is complete – space still available so please register ASAP

Our Regular Registration period is now over so placement on a SWSC team for the fall is on a space-available basis. We do still have space at all our grade levels but several are very close to being full, so if you want to play, register as soon as possible. Click on any of the Register Now buttons on our website to be taken to our online registration system. Here is a direct link to Read more…

Spring Soccer Update – March 8

The spring season is a go and we are getting our teams set up and ready to go. For Grades 2-8, we expect practices (1/week) to start the week of March 29 and the 7 games season to begin on April 3. We are in the process of setting up our teams and getting our coaches through their registration and training activities. For Microsoccer, we anticipate starting in April and running a 6 week season Read more…

Spring Soccer Update – March 4

Thank you for your patience as we get the spring season underway. We got confirmation from Westside that the spring recreational season is a go and practices are expected to start the week of March 29 (after Spring Break).   All clubs playing in the spring league will be following the attached Return to Play rules.  This includes required masks for all players and coaches at all times and, because of current THPRD field restrictions, NO Read more…

Spring Recreational Soccer Registration is open

Somerset West Soccer has opened registration for Spring 2021 Recreational Soccer. Because there is still uncertainty about the details of the season due to the pandemic, we will not be accepting any payments at this time as part of the registration process.   Program status for the spring season: Microsoccer – SWSC program based at Somerset Meadows Park. Details coming Grade 2 – Grade 8 – SWSC teams playing in the Westside Soccer Club spring program Read more…

SWSC Fall season cancelled – thank you for your patience and see you next safe season

Due to the continuing pandemic, our parent league, THJSL, has determined that league games cannot be safely conducted and has cancelled the fall season that was due to start on September 14.  While the league has indicated that clubs could potentially run their own internal programs this fall, the SWSC board believes we cannot do it safely and in full compliance with public health and other government guidelines and has decided to cancel our fall Read more…

Fall Season update – still on hold

We know practices were originally supposed to start next week but our fall recreational soccer season is still on hold due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  Soccer practices and games are only allowed once an area has entered Phase 2 and that has not happened in our Portland metro counties.  We also know that some of you have seen soccer teams on some of the THPRD turf fields.  These are competitive teams operating under the very Read more…

Regular registration ends on June 30 – register now to guarantee a spot on a team

Our regular registration period ends in just a few days on June 30.  Registering now ensures your player a spot on one of our fall teams.  We know there are still many questions about soccer this fall, but we need to be ready quickly if we are able to play.  We will be putting together our draft teams soon and anticipate that with a reduced number of teams, will be less able to accommodate late Read more…

Fall 2020 Update – Planning underway for the start of practices

Earlier this week, OHA updated their Phase 2 guidance and moved soccer into the list of sports for which practices/games can resume with appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the players, coaches and families during the continuing pandemic.  While the situation remains fluid and we are unsure when Washington County will enter Phase 2, our parent league (THJSL) is working on both the club organizational plan and the Return to Play guidelines that will Read more…

Fall Season Registration is Open – Please read update for all Somerset West Families – Important Information!!

Registration for the Fall season is now open.  However, because of the current pandemic and the uncertainty about restrictions that will be in place during the fall, we are updating our registration process. Players:  Players should register online as usual.  Please go to and click one of the Register Now buttons to be taken to the Affinity site to complete the registration (this part is the same as in previous years).  Please use the Read more…

Westside Spring Season cancelled

We received notification on March 23 that the Westside Soccer Club has cancelled their outdoor spring season.  With the fields closed until early May, they did not see a viable way forward to complete a 7 game season. Please note that any new players that registered will receive refunds of their club registration – we should be able to do this through the registration program but we are waiting on final instructions from our state Read more…