Our regular registration period ends in just a few days on June 30.  Registering now ensures your player a spot on one of our fall teams.  We know there are still many questions about soccer this fall, but we need to be ready quickly if we are able to play.  We will be putting together our draft teams soon and anticipate that with a reduced number of teams, will be less able to accommodate late registrations.  In addition, after our regular registration period ends on June 30, our registration fee for Kindergarten-8th grade players will rise by $10.00/player.

Because of the uncertainty related to the current pandemic, we are continuing our policy of not charging our families the registration fee until we have more clarity on the fall season.  We are working on Return to Play guidelines with our parent league (THJSL) and the other clubs in our area.  We hope to have a draft of these ready in the next several weeks.  We are also working on a consistent refund policy.  Note that, once we enter Phase 2 and can move forward with the season, all registered families will be given the option of not playing and will not be charged.

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