We know all our SWSC families are anxious to get back out on the soccer field and we appreciate your patience as we get the fall season organized. Field allocations from the park and school districts have been late in getting to our league clubs, registration and team formation has been slower than usual, and all clubs are busy recruiting coaches. Our first Grade 2 – HSRec games is not scheduled until September 11 and we want to ensure that everything is correctly in place so are taking a little extra time to get things done.
Note that, at this time, there are no special requirements related to the Covid pandemic. Since youth soccer is an outdoor activity, masks for the coaches and players will not be required. We do ask that everyone respect the choices that all our families make for themselves related to pandemic precautions, especially mask-wearing.
We expect to have more detailed information available by next weekend (August 1) and will let you know here and also via email.